individual counseling in Murrieta, CA

Were You the Victim of a Crime?

Get counseling services in Murrieta, CA

The traumatic consequences of violent crime can linger long after justice is served. But there are many resources to help victims through their difficult time, including mental health counseling services. Janice E. York MFT provides in-person and online therapy sessions in Murrieta, CA that can be covered by the state. Counseling is available for people in all kinds of situations, including victims of child abuse, assault, robbery, homicide or sexual assault.

Jan York will work with you to bring light, hope and happiness back into your life. Your mental and emotional health is just as important as your physical health, and you can depend on Janice to be there for you.

Learn more about our counseling services by contacting Janice E. York MFT today.

How the CalVCP process works

Janice E. York MFT is part of a database of in-person and online therapy providers covered by the CalVCP program for victims of crime in California. If you want to take advantage of this program, make sure you follow these criteria:

  • Report the crime to an appropriate law enforcement agency
  • Submit an application to CalVCP within a year of the date of the crime
  • Cooperate with law enforcement during the investigation and prosecution of the crime
  • Cooperate with CalVCP by providing any requested information during the application process

When you're ready to apply, visit You can also contact CalVCP's customer service line for additional help with the process.